Is It Time for Your Child to Get an Eye Exam?

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As a parent, you want your child to have the best possible start in life. Education plays a crucial role in this regard, but what if your child has an undiagnosed vision problem? It's not uncommon for children to have vision problems that go undetected because they are unaware of what "normal" eyesight looks like. In this blog, we'll discuss the signs that your child might need an eye exam.

Squinting or tilting their head

Do you notice your child squinting or tilting their head when looking at objects? This could mean they are struggling to see things clearly. Squinting and tilting their head helps them to see better, but it's an indication that they may need glasses or contacts to correct their vision.

Holding objects too close or too far away

If your child is holding objects too close or too far away to see them clearly, they may have a vision problem. For example, if they are holding a book too close to their face while reading, it could indicate that they are nearsighted. On the other hand, if they are holding the book too far away, it could mean they are farsighted.

Rubbing their eyes

If your child is rubbing their eyes frequently, it could suggest a vision problem. Eye strain, headaches, and fatigue are common symptoms of eye problems, and they can cause your child to rub their eyes. If your child is rubbing their eyes more than usual, it's time to schedule an eye exam.

Avoiding reading or other activities

If your child is avoiding reading, writing, or other activities that require good vision, it could indicate that they are having difficulty seeing clearly. They may not be able to see the words on a page or the details in a picture. If your child is avoiding these activities, it's essential to get their eyes checked.

Squinting, Closing One Eye, or Covering Eyes

Children who squint, close one eye, or cover their eyes may be trying to eliminate double vision or get a clearer view. If this happens occasionally when they’re playing, it isn't that concerning. However, if it becomes more frequent or is prolonged (lasting more than a few moments), that’s a clear indication of eye trouble.

Your child's vision is essential to their overall health and development. It's crucial to recognize the signs that your child might need an eye exam. If your child exhibits any of these symptoms, it's time to schedule an appointment with an eye doctor. Prompt attention will not only ensure good vision for your child but also could provide insights into other health issues. Early detection can be vital in treating and/or slowing down the progression of any eye-related issues.

For more information on eye exams, contact a professional near you.
