Why Contacts Can Be So Great

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Contact lenses are designed to be comfortably placed in the eyes, where they will fit over the cornea. The contacts will rest there and self-adjust when you move your eyes or blink, so they remain in place. In most cases, contact lenses are clear, so no one will know you are wearing them. However, there are special contacts that can change the color of your eyes, if this is something you find appealing.…

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Eye Pain Behind Your Eyes? What Could Be The Issue And What Should You Do

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Pain behind the eyes can sometimes just be a headache, or it could be something worse. You could have bulging at the back of the eyes caused by pressure that has built up. This pressure can be caused by a number of things, including always looking down at a device. This pressure at the back of the head can give you headaches, cause pain in the neck and cause issues with being able to focus properly as well.…

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Does Your Child Have An Eye Condition? 4 Signs Your Child Needs An Eye Exam

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Some common eye problems in children are easy to notice, and parents often catch them early. These problems include blurry vision, lazy eyes, and crossed eyes. However, conditions such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and poor visual perception can go unnoticed for a long time. If left undetected, these eye problems can affect your kid’s education and social life. Therefore, look out for the following signs that indicate your child needs an eye exam.…

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